Is Bottled Water Really Safer Than Tap?
Is Bottled Water Really Safer Than Tap?
With fears about chemicals, carcinogens, and other contaminants potentially coming out of our faucets, it’s no wonder sales of bottled water are setting records. But is bottled water really better than what’s coming out of your tap? Maurice DuBois takes a look.
Posted by CBS New York on Monday, February 6, 2017
Stop paying for bottled water & help the environment.
Why filtered water is a better option than bottles?
Americans buy 29 billion water bottles a year. For every six bottles people buy, only one is recycled. That leads to a big problem given the fact that water bottles do not biodegrade. This means that it takes at least up to 1,000 years for every single bottle to decompose, leaking pollutants into our soil and water along the way. Filtered water is the better way!